
3d mirror symmetry is mirror symmetry

Time:4:00 pm-5:30 pm on October 15th

Venue:B626, Shuangqing Complex Building

Speaker:Conan Leung

3d mirror symmetry is mirror symmetry

主讲人 Speaker:Conan Leung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

时间 Time:4:00 pm-5:30 pm on October 15th

地点 Venue:B626, Shuangqing Complex Building



3d mirror symmetry is a mysterious duality for certian pairs of hyperkahlermanifolds, or more generally complex symplectic manifolds/stacks. In this talk, I will describe its relationships with 2d mirror symmetry. This could be regarded as a 3d analog of the paper ’Mirror symmetry is T-duality’ by Strominger, Yau and Zaslow which described 2d mirror symmetry via 1d dualities.

DATESeptember 29, 2024
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