PrerequisiteBasic commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic number theoryAbstractThis course is intended to give a gentle introduction to p-adic families of modular forms and p-adic L-functions. We roughly cover the contents of "The Eigenbook" by Belliache. We will start by introducing a general construction of eigenvariety, and discuss modular symbols and their connection to modular f...
Speaker:Heng Du(YMSC)Time:Tues. & Wed., 9:50-11:25 amOct. 8-Dec. 31, 2024 (excluding Nov. 12-13)Venue:C546, Shuangqing Complex BuildingDescription:Period domains are open subsets of generalized flag varieties that parametrize Hodge structures. The study of analogous objects in the p-adic context has a rich history, rooted in a question posed by Grothendieck, and has seen notable progress i...