
Willmore Surfaces

Time:2023-03-13 ~ 2023-06-28 Mon, Wed 09:50 - 11:25

Venue:Room 1120 ZOOM: 518 868 7656 PW: BIMSA

Speaker:Lynn Heller

Lecturer Intro.

I was born in Wuhan and grew up in the little German town Göttingen, which was home to an extraordinary amount of great Mathematicians (and Nobel prize winners) including all the Mathematicians discussed in the course. I studied economics at the FU Berlin and Mathematics at TU Berlin from 2003-2007 and obtained my PhD from Eberhard Karls University Tübingen in 2012. Thereafter, I stayed in Tübingen as a Postdoc till I got a Juniorprofessorship in 2017 at the Leibniz University in Hannover.

DATEMarch 13, 2023
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