
Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups

Time:2023-03-10 ~ 2023-07-10 Fri 15:20 - 17:50

Venue:ZOOM: 787 662 9899 PW: BIMSA

Speaker:Taiwang Deng


Basic algebraic topology and number theory


I will talk about the basics of cohomology of arithmetic groups focusing on Harder's new book. I will start from simplest cases of the group SL_2 over Z (which covers the chapter 2 and 3 of the book of Harder) and try to be as concrete as possible. The goal is to under these cohomology groups from the point of view of geometry and arithmetic. I will also explain the general cases if time permitted.

Lecturer Intro.

Dr. DENG Taiwang has joined BIMSA in November 2022 as an Assistant Research Fellow. His research interests are in the Langlands program (broadly speaking, the arithmetic, analytic and representation aspects of it). He obtained a Phd in Mathematics from the University of Paris 13. Previously, he has held the postdoctorial positions in Bonn University, the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics in Bonn and Tsinghua University.

DATEMarch 10, 2023
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