Lecturer: Fei Long (龙飞, Professor)Time: Thu 13:30-16:55Venue: A3-1-103Zoom: 928 682 9093Password: BIMSAIntroductionDigital Economy is the product of the collision and integration of digital science and economic society. Digital science and knowledge are leading application technologies of the information age, and economic activities are the foundation of all human social activities, making th...
2024-12-17 ~ 2024-12-23Data, Method, and Emerging Markets Economic ResearchLecturer: Yanbo Wang (王砚波, Visiting Scholar)Weekday: Mon,Tue,FriTime: 09:30-12:00Venue: A3-2-303Zoom: 815 762 8413Password: BIMSAIntroductionOne key goal in social science research is causal mechanism identification, which typically requires reliable data to model real-world social and economic dynamics accurately. Ho...