Lecturer: Dongsheng Wu (吴冬生, Assistant Professor in Practice)Time: Mon, Wed 10:40-12:15Venue: A1-103Zoom: 462 110 5973Password: BIMSAIntroduction类域论是20世纪上半叶代数数论的重大成果,其主题是利用一个域的算术信息来刻画该域的所有Abel扩域。类域论在诸多数学领域都有广泛应用和深刻影响。数学家Weil甚至认为每个数学家都应该掌握类域论,正如每个数学家都应该掌握Galois理论一样。类域论有多种证明途径。本...
PrerequisiteAbstract Algebra, Number Field ThoeryAbstractAlgebraic Function thoery involves the study of the field extensions of transcendental degree one. In algebraic geometry, a function field correspondences to the function field of some algebraic curve. In number theory, a function field will play a role similar to that of a finite extension of the field of rational numbers. Also, the theo...