
Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

Time:Mon, 08:50-11:25 Tue, 13:30-16:05


Speaker:Hamid Mofidi

Lecturer: Hamid Mofidi (Assistant Professor)


Mon, 08:50-11:25

Tue, 13:30-16:05

Venue: A3-4-301

Zoom: 468 248 1222

Password: BIMSA


Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Basic Analysis, Introductory Programming (optional)


This course offers an introductory exploration of nonlinear dynamics and chaos, laying the groundwork for a subsequent course on nonlinear dynamics in neuroscience to be offered next year. A foundational understanding of dynamical systems theory will be developed, and insights into the qualitative analysis of complex systems encountered in various fields of science and engineering will be gained.


- Hirsch, M. W., Smale, S., & Devaney, R. L. Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos.

- Strogatz, S. H. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos.

- Perko, L. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems.

- Wiggins, S. Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos.

DATENovember 12, 2024
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