
Theory of schemes and stacks, Derived Categories and Intersection theory II

Time:Friday, 9:50 am-12:15, Feb. 21 - Jun. 20, 2025

Venue:B725, Shuangqing Complex Building A

Speaker:Artan Sheshmani


Artan Sheshmani


Friday, 9:50 am-12:15, Feb. 21 - Jun. 20, 2025


B725, Shuangqing Complex Building A


Zoom ID: 230 432 7880

Password: BIMSA


This course is targeting 3 major segments of algebraic geometry. The theory of schemes and stacks following Grothendieck’s EGA / SGA and Deligne’s work on stacks. The derived category of coherent sheaves, its properties and relevance to birational geometry and moduli theory, and intersection theory on schemes and stacks. Students who passed a basic course in algebraic geometry (e.g. Hartshorne’s first 3 chapters) must be able to follow the course with no further pre-requisite. The course will offer an extensive analysis of all three segments and aims at providing the detailed background for algebraic geometry students to perform advanced research on geometry of schemes and moduli, say in the context of birational geometry, enumerative algebraic geometry or derived algebraic geometry.


DATEFebruary 20, 2025
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