AbstractTitle I: Igusa stacks and exotic Hecke correspondences IAbstract: Igusa stacks are conjectural p-adic analytic objects related to Shimura varieties, which were conjectured to exist by Scholze. In this talk I aim to give motivation for this conjecture, as well as a review of some of the objects involved. I will then discuss my joint work with Patrick Daniels, Dongryul Kim and Mingjia Zha...
DescriptionThe McKay Correspondence gathers together group theory, representations, algebraic geometry, and commutative algebra. The original McKay’s observation establishes a correspondence between the finite subgroups of SL(2, C) and the ADE type Dynkin diagrams. Later, Artin and Verdier, reformulate the McKay correspondence in a more geometrical setting. For rational double singularities, t...