This is the second edition of a twice-yearly workshop that will alternate between the Southampton Centre for Geometry, Topology and Applications (CGTA) and the Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA). The aims are to promote exciting new work in homotopy theory, with an emphasis on that by younger mathematicians, and to showcase the wide relevance of the subject to o...
The conference will be held at Tsinghua University from July 12 to July 14, 2023, as a satellite conference of the first International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) on Geometric Analysis. OrganizersHuai-Dong CaoLehigh UniversityShiu-Yuen ChengTsinghua UniversityKefeng LiuUCLA & Chongqing University of TechnologyShing-Tung YauTsinghua UniversityLocal OrganizersZhangli LinBIMSAZhuo LiuBIMSAXia...