
Probability and Statistical Physics

Time:January 22nd to 26th, 2024

Venue:Room A-110, TSIMF 清华三亚国际数学论坛 A110; Zoom ID: 6971037616; PW:TSIMF

Organizer:Chenlin Gu 顾陈琳 Tsinghua University Jianping Jiang 姜建平 Tsinghua University Asaf Nachmias Tel Aviv University Yuval Peres BIMSA

The conference aims to bring together leading experts and early-career researchers in the field of probability and statistical physics, with the overall goal to present the most active research in current times and discuss future directions. Around 50 participants from China and oversea are expected. It will be held at Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (TSIMF).


Zhigang Bao 鲍志刚

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Yinshan Chang 常寅山

Sichuan University

Xinxin Chen 陈昕昕

Beijing Normal University

Zherui Fan 范哲睿

Peking University

Roberto Fernandez

Utrecht University (Emer.) and NYU Shanghai

Yichao Huang 黄逸超

Beijing Institute of Technology

Frederik Ravn Klausen

University of Copenhagen

Xiangdong Li 李向东

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Xiaodan Li 李晓丹

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Zhangsong Li 李章颂

Peking University

Marcin Lis

Vienna University of Technology

Chandra Nair

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Maximilian Nitzschner

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Ron Peretz

Bar-Ilan University

Shuo Qin 秦硕

NYU Shanghai

Senya Shlosman

Skoltech Center of Advance Studies

Yuri Suhov

Pennsylvania State University

Rongfeng Sun 孙嵘枫

National University of Singapore

Ryokichi Tanaka

Kyoto University

Pierre Tarres

NYU Shanghai

Tatyana Turova

University of Lund, Sweden

Jian Wang 王健

Fujian Normal University

Longmin Wang 王龙敏

Nankai University

Wei Wu 吴炜

NYU Shanghai

Shangjie Yang 杨尚杰

Bar-Ilan University

Lun Zhang 张仑

Fudan University

Xicheng Zhang 张希承

Beijing Institute of Technology



DATEJanuary 25, 2024
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