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来源: 04-13



A half-day poster session will be held during the inaugural International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS).

This is an opportunity for worldwide outstanding undergraduate and graduate students to display and introduce their recent works, and to communicate and discuss with various fields of mathematicians and scholars.

The congress will provide up to 25000RMB economic airfare support and accommodation (shared room) for the successful applicant.

Apply Now !

报名时间 Application Time


March 27-April 23

报名网站 Apply via


报名条件 Requirements

Major in Mathematics and its interdisciplinary subjects.

Research Area :

1. Combinatorics, Discrete Geometry, and Graph theory

2.Mathematical Logic, Foundations and Category Theory

3.Number Theory

4.Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry

5.Homological Algebra, K-Theory and Noncommutative Algebra

6.One and Several variables, Complex Dynamical System

7.Ordinary Differential Equations and Special Functions, and D Module

8.Partial Differential Equations

9.Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory and Diophantine Approximation

10.Fourier Analysis and Harmonic Analysis

11.Functional Analysis and Operator Theory

12.Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control

13.General Relativity

14.Geometric Analysis

15.Algebraic and Geometric Topology

16.Symplectic and Differential Topology

17.Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes


19.Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation

20.Differential Geometry

21.Lie Theory and Representation Theory

22.Mathematics of String Theory and Condensed Matter

Worldwide outstanding undergraduate and graduate students with affiliations currently studying in China.

Juvenile under 18 will not be considered.

Scan QR code to apply

About the Congress

The first International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) will be held in Beijing on 16-28 July 2023. The ICBS is an academic event that brings together scientists around the world to discuss current significant development and explore the future trend in Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, and Information Science and Technology. The ICBS is initiated by Professor Shing-Tung Yau, and jointly hosted by the Beijing government, the China Association for Science and Technology, and the International Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians. It is expected that about 1000 participants will attend ICBS2023, and Distinguished Lectures will be presented at the forum. The winners of the Fundamental Science Lifetime Awards and the Best Paper Awards, will be announced at the ceremony.

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