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求真书院【诺特讲座】第一期预告 | 哈佛大学文理学院教师事务与规划院长Nina Zipser主讲


埃米·诺特(Emmy Noether)是20世纪初的杰出数学家。她是近代代数学的研究的先驱,尤其在交换代数有开创性的贡献。她的数学思想对20世纪代数学乃至整个数学的发展有深远影响,以她为中心的汇聚在哥廷根的学派成为20世纪前半叶数学各分支研究的中流砥柱。为了纪念这位伟大的数学家,同时激励求真学子在科研领域勇攀高峰,不断取得突破,清华大学求真书院特设立【诺特讲座】,邀请中国以及国际上杰出的学者到清华来交流,为求真学子、清华学子搭建与大师对话的桥梁。


Harvard University in Abstraction and in Practice


The presentation delves into the academic journey at Harvard, discussing the balance between broad liberal arts courses, areas of specialization, and electives that foster a well-rounded educational experience. The importance of original research is emphasized through current statistics on student engagement in scholarly activities. In terms of career trajectories and future planning, the presentation shows sectors that attract Harvard graduates, such as finance, consulting, technology, healthcare, and engineering, providing insights into the professional paths that students tend to pursue post-graduation. Advice from notable faculty members on making pivotal career decisions, like pursuing a PhD, is also presented to offer guidance to students.



Harvard University, Ph.D. Mathematics, June 2000

King’s College, Cambridge University, 1994-1995

Kellett Fellowship (awarded by Columbia University)

Columbia University, B.A. Mathematics, Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, 1994

Current Employment

Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), Dean for Faculty Affairs and Planning (2008-present)

Harvard University, Faculty Dean of Lowell House (2019-present)

主持人 / Host


整理 | 谢卢芳

排版 | 郭悠然

审核 | 王小芳