Poster attached.
Poster_Eric Maskin.pdf
Upcoming talks
Speaker: Eric Maskin (Harvard University)
Time: April 18th (Mon) 21:30 - 23:00 (Beijing Time)
Venue: Please register here to attend
Title: Game Theory Basics and Classical Existence Theorems
Abstract: Games in extensive and normal form. Equilibrium existence theorems by Nash, von Neumann, and Zermelo
Speaker: Eric Maskin (Harvard University)
Time: April 20th(Wed) 21:30 - 23:00 (Beijing Time)
Venue: Please register here to attend
Title: Mechanism Design
Abstract: Given a social goal, under what circumstances can we design a game to achieve that goal?
Speaker: Eric Maskin (Harvard University)
Time: April 22nd(Fri) 21:30 - 23:00 (Beijing Time)
Venue: Please register here to attend
Title: Auction Theory
Abstract: Equivalences among four standard auctions: the high-bid auction (the high bidder wins and pays her bid); the second-bid auction (the high bidder wins and pays the second highest bid); the Dutch auction (the auctioneer lowers the price successively until some bidder is willing to pay); and the English auction (bidders raise their bids successively until no one wants to bid higher)