清华主页 EN

[Geometry and Physics Seminar] An Introduction to Schrodinger Wave Functionals

来源: 02-24


地点:中会议室一 & Zoom 3610386975(密码BIMSA)

组织者:Jarah Evslin

主讲人:Jarah Evslin


Each configuration in a quantum field theory corresponds to a map from a space X of functions or bundles with sections to the space of complex numbers. These maps are called Schrodinger wave functionals. They generalize wave functions in quantum mechanics, which are maps from a finite-dimensional manifold to the complex numbers. We review the main properties of wave functions and wave functionals in a series of examples. We describe an embedding of X into this quantum configuration space and argue that perturbative quantum field theory only probes a tubular neighborhood of its image, but that the poorly understood global properties of the quantum configuration space are relevant to the confinement problem in supersymmetric QCD.

Organizer: Hossein Yavartanoo(BIMSA)
