清华主页 EN

[Geometry and Physics Seminars] An introduction to decomposition

来源: 05-19



组织者:Eric Sharpe

主讲人:Eric Sharpe

Speaker: Eric Sharpe

Date: 2022/05/19

Time: 10:00-11:00 am

Venue: 1131

Zoom: 849 963 1368   Passcode: YMSC


In this talk I will review work on `decomposition,' a property of 2d theories with 1-form symmetries and, more generally, d-dim'l theories with (d-1)-form symmetries.  Decomposition is the observation that such quantum field theories are equivalent to ('decompose into’) disjoint unions of other QFTs, known in this context as "universes.”  Examples include two-dimensional gauge theories and orbifolds with matter invariant under a subgroup of the gauge group. Decomposition explains and relates several physical properties of these theories -- for example, restrictions on allowed instantons arise as a "multiverse interference effect" between contributions from constituent universes.  First worked out in 2006 as part of efforts to understand string propagation on stacks, decomposition has been the driver of a number of developments since. I will walk through general aspects of 2d gauge theories that exhibit decomposition, dive into specifics in orbifold examples, and as time permits, discuss recent work in progress.

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