清华主页 EN

[Seminar] [Tsinghua-BIMSA Computational & Applied Mathematics (CAM) Seminar] Numerical methods for Mean field Games based on Gaussian Processes and Fourier Features

来源: 04-28

时间:2022/4/28 14:00-15:00

地点:1110 & Tencent Meeting: 408 2490 3761

组织者:Xianjin Yang

主讲人:Xianjin Yang


In this talk, I will present two numerical methods, the Gaussian Process (GP) method and the Fourier Features (FF) algorithm, to solve mean field games (MFGs). The GP  algorithm  approximates the solution of a MFG with maximum a posteriori probability estimators of GPs conditioned on the partial differential equation (PDE) system of the MFG at a finite number of sample points.  To improve the performance, we introduce the FF method, whose insight comes from the recent trend of approximating positive definite kernels with random Fourier features. We give the existence and the convergence proofs for both algorithms. We show the efficacy of our algorithms through experiments on a stationary MFG with a non-local coupling and on a time-dependent planning problem.
