清华主页 EN

[YMSC-BIMSA Quantum Information Seminar] 27 Quantum Optimization of Maximum Independent Set using Rydberg Atom Arrays

来源: 03-11

时间:2022/3/11 9:30-12:15

地点:近春园西楼1会 & Zoom: 3885289728(PW: BIMSA)

组织者:刘正伟 (BIMSA)

主讲人:Madelyn Cain(哈佛大学)


Realizing quantum speedup for practically relevant, computationally hard problems is a central challenge in quantum information science. I will present experimental investigations of quantum algorithms for solving the Maximum Independent Set problem using Rydberg atom arrays with up to 289 qubits in two spatial dimensions. I will outline how we use a hardware-efficient encoding associated with Rydberg blockade, realize closed-loop optimization to test several variational algorithms, and apply them to systematically explore a class of graphs with programmable connectivity. Next, I will discuss the results of benchmarking the quantum algorithm's performance against classical simulated annealing and explain graph properties that control the problem hardness.  Finally, I will explain our observations of a superlinear quantum speedup on the hardest graphs in finding exact solutions in the deep circuit regime and analyze its origins.
