清华主页 EN

[BIMSA-Tsinghua Quantum Symmetry Seminar] Non-integer representation theory of the near group fusion ring

来源: 04-20

时间:2022/4/20 周三 10:00-12:00

地点:1129B & 腾讯会议:177 628 618 密码:0420

组织者:Libin Li

主讲人:Libin Li


The non-integer matrix (NIM) solutions of matrix equations are closely related to the NIM representations over fusion rings and the module categories over tensor categories. In this talk we shall introduce a general theory of irreducible NIM representation over  fusion ring. We give the minimum upper bound of rank of NIM representation and the general classification methods of irreducible NIM representations over the near group fusion rings. Moreover we give explicitly the construction of irreducible NIM represen-tations over some near group fusion rings.

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