清华主页 EN

[BIMSA-Tsinghua Seminar on Computational Discrete Global Geometry Structures, Topology Materials and Quantum Computer] Topological magnetic structures and their electrical manipulations

来源: 03-25

时间:2022/3/25 14:00-15:15

地点:宁斋W11 & Tencent: 482 3868 6453 Passcode: 2022

组织者:Haifeng Du

主讲人:Haifeng Du


Magnetic skyrmions are a nano-scale topological magnetic structure found in chiral magnets in 2009. Thanks to their nontrivial topological properties, magnetic skyrmions can effectively couple with electrons, and therefore have the potential to serve as a data carrier to build high-performance spintronic devices in the future. Three fundamental requirements for building such a device are the creation, movement, and elimination of magnetic skyrmions in nano structures. However, for traditional chiral magnets, because of the small size of magnetic skyrmions (3-150 nm) and the grand challenges in the preparation and in-situ observation of nano-structured materials, existing relevant studies mostly concern the theoretical designs, while the progress in the experimental aspect has been slow. In this talk, we report our exploration and manipulation of topological magnetic structures of the chiral magnets FeGe and CoZnMn, based on the preparation of nano-structured samples with controllable morphology and size, and the magnetic characterization technique using in-situ Lorentz transmission electron microscopy. We will present our experimental results implementing nanosecond current pulses to create, delete, and drive magnetic skyrmions, which are basic storage functions of topological magnetic micro-devices.

Speaker Profile:

Haifeng Du is the Vice Director of High Magnetic Field   Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received Ph.D degree from State Key Laboratory of Magnetism, Institute of Physics, CAS in 2010.

His research results has been published on Nature Nanotechnology、Physical Review Letters. Email: duhf@hmfl.ac.cn
