清华主页 EN

[Seminar on Algebraic, complex geometry and singularities] Infinitesimal Torelli for Weighted Complete Intersections and Certain Fano Threefolds

来源: 09-05

时间:2022.09.07 15:30-16:00

地点:Tencent Meeting : 639 1488 3821

主讲人:Chuangqiang Hu


We generalize the classical approach of describing the infinitesimal Torelli map in terms of multiplication in a Jacobi ring to the case of quasi-smooth complete intersections in weighted projective space. As an application, we prove the infinitesimal Torelli theorem for hyperelliptic Fano threefolds of Picard rank 1, index 1, degree 4 and study the action of the automorphism group on cohomology. The results of this talk are used to prove Lang-Vojta’s conjecture for the moduli of such Fano threefolds.
