The discussion on the Out of Africa hypothesis, OOAH and PPA (Progressive Phylogenetic Analysis), that identified the African human populations as paraphyletic
Seminar on Bioinformatics
报告人 关梦岑 清华大学数学系 博士生
时 间 15:00-15:30 Tue
Tencent 801 3489 7723
The Out of Africa hypothesis, OOAH, was challenged recently in an extended mtDNA analysis, PPA (Progressive Phylogenetic Analysis), that identified the African human populations as paraphyletic, a finding that contradicted the common OOAH understanding that Hss had originated in Africa and invaded Eurasia from there. The results were consistent with the molecular Out of Eurasia hypothesis, OOEH, and Eurasian palaeontology, a subject that has been largely disregarded in the discussion of OOAH. In the present study the mtDNA tree, a phylogeny based on maternal inheritance, was compared to the nuclear DNA tree of the paternally transmitted Y-chromosome haplotypes, Y-DNAs. The comparison showed full phylogenetic coherence between these two separate sets of data. The results were consistent with potentially four translocations of modern humans from Eurasia into Africa, the earliest taking place ≈ 250,000 years before present, YBP. The results were in accordance with the postulates behind OOEH at the same time as they lent no support to the OOAH.
Prediction of binding free energy changes of viral surface proteins and host receptor proteins
Seminar on Bioinformatics
报告人 任若寒 清华大学致理书院 本科生
时 间 15:30-16:00 Tue
Tencent 801 3489 7723
Protein-protein interactions play an important role in many aspects such as virus infection and immune response. Although there are experimental methods for determining the structure of protein complexes, the experimental methods are time-consuming and labor-intensive, and are difficult to apply in large-scale screening. This project hopes to use the method of extended natural vector to extract the information of the protein-protein binding region, combine some molecular dynamics or topology information, and then use the deep learning method to analyze the protein-protein binding free energy changes after single or multiple point mutation. Then we hope to apply the method to the SARS-CoV-2, HIV and Ebola viruses. This helps greatly improve the efficiency of the optimal design of antiviral drugs. In this report, we mainly introduce the overall ideas and data types.
Infinitesimal Torelli for Weighted Complete Intersections and Certain Fano Threefolds
Seminar on Algebraic, complex geometry and singularities
报告人 胡创强 BIMSA
时 间 15:30-16:30 Wed
Tencent 639 1488 3821
We generalize the classical approach of describing the infinitesimal Torelli map in terms of multiplication in a Jacobi ring to the case of quasi-smooth complete intersections in weighted projective space. As an application, we prove the infinitesimal Torelli theorem for hyperelliptic Fano threefolds of Picard rank 1, index 1, degree 4 and study the action of the automorphism group on cohomology. The results of this talk are used to prove Lang-Vojta’s conjecture for the moduli of such Fano threefolds.
From Neural PDEs to Neural Operators: Blending data and physics for fast predictions
BIMSA-Tsinghua Seminar on Machine Learning and Differential Equations
报告人 George Em Karniadakis Brown University
时 间 08:50-12:15 Thu
地 点 1129B
Zoom 537 192 5549(PW: BIMSA)
We will review physics-informed neural network and summarize available extensions for applications in computational mechanics and beyond. We will also introduce new NNs that learn functionals and nonlinear operators from functions and corresponding responses for system identification. The universal approximation theorem of operators is suggestive of the potential of NNs in learning from scattered data any continuous operator or complex system. We first generalize the theorem to deep neural networks, and subsequently we apply it to design a new composite NN with small generalization error, the deep operator network (DeepONet), consisting of a NN for encoding the discrete input function space (branch net) and another NN for encoding the domain of the output functions (trunk net). We demonstrate that DeepONet can learn various explicit operators, e.g., integrals, Laplace transforms and fractional Laplacians, as well as implicit operators that represent deterministic and stochastic differential equations. More generally, DeepOnet can learn multiscale operators spanning across many scales and trained by diverse sources of data simultaneously.
George Karniadakis is from Crete. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a Vannvar Bush Faculty Fellow. He received his S.M. and Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1984/87). He was appointed Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT and subsequently he joined the Center for Turbulence Research at Stanford / Nasa Ames. He joined Princeton University as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and as Associate Faculty in the Program of Applied and Computational Mathematics. He was a Visiting Professor at Caltech in 1993 in the Aeronautics Department and joined Brown University as Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Center for Fluid Mechanics in 1994. After becoming a full professor in 1996, he continued to be a Visiting Professor and Senior Lecturer of Ocean/Mechanical Engineering at MIT. He is an AAAS Fellow (2018-), Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM, 2010-), Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS, 2004-), Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME, 2003-) and Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA, 2006-). He received the SIAM/ACM Prize on Computational Science & Engineering (2021), the Alexander von Humboldt award in 2017, the SIAM Ralf E Kleinman award (2015), the J. Tinsley Oden Medal (2013), and the CFD award (2007) by the US Association in Computational Mechanics. His h-index is 123 and he has been cited about 70,000 times.
组织者:熊繁升, 杨武岳, 雍稳安, 朱毅
YMSC-BIMSA Quantum Information Seminar in 2022 Spring
报告人 张颉颃 中科大
时 间 09:30-12:15 Fri
地 点 JCY-1
Zoom 559 700 6085(PW: BIMSA)
张颉颃于2009年毕业于中国科学技术大学,赴美国马里兰大学攻读博士学位。期间从事冷原子实验研究,曾在加拿大国家实验室(TRIUMF)从事精密光谱测量。2015-2018年博士后期间师从Christopher Monroe做离子阱量子模拟,第一次实验观测到离散时间晶体等非平衡态量子现象,文章发表于自然杂志。2019年起任纽约大学助理教授,获得美国能源部青年科学家奖。自2021年12月回国,现任中国科学技术大学教授。
Semiclassical analysis of elastic surface waves and inverse problems
Seminar on microlocal analysis and applications
报告人 邱凌云 BIMSA, YMSC
时 间 10:00-11:00 Fri
Zoom 618 038 6257(PW: SCMS)
Non-line-of-sight imaging aims at recovering obscured objects from multiple-scattered light. It has recently received widespread attention due to its potential applications, such as autonomous driving, rescue operations, and remote sensing. However, in cases with high measurement noise, obtaining high-quality reconstructions remains a challenging task. In this work, we establish a unified regularization framework, which can be tailored for different scenarios, including indoor and outdoor scenes with substantial background noise under both confocal and non-confocal settings. The proposed regularization framework incorporates sparseness and non-local self-similarity of the hidden objects as well as smoothness of the measured signals. We show that the estimated signals, albedo, and surface normal of the hidden objects can be reconstructed robustly even with high measurement noise under the proposed framework. Reconstruction results on synthetic and experimental data show that our approach recovers the hidden objects faithfully and outperforms state-of-the-art reconstruction algorithms in terms of both quantitative criteria and visual quality.
组织者:金龙, 陈曦
Convergence Analysis of the Gaussian mixture particle filters
Seminar on Control theory and Nonlinear Filtering
报告人 孙泽钜 清华大学数学科学系 博士生
时 间 15:00-15:30 Fri
Tencent 735 7908 4302
In this talk, I will discuss in detail the convergence result of the Gaussian mixture particle filters, in which each particle in the estimation system is regarded as a Gaussian distributed random variable, rather than a simple particle as in the classical particle filters. The convergence rate of the particle system will be given. The relationship between the Gaussian mixture particle filters and radial basis functions will also be discussed.
The stability and the convergence results in Yau-Yau methods
Seminar on Control theory and Nonlinear Filtering
报告人 康家熠 清华大学数学科学系 博士生
时 间 15:00-16:00 Fri
Tencent 735 7908 4302
In this report, I will introduce the semi-group formulation of the SPDE. And I shall give a stability analysis for filtering algorithm based on spectral methods from two aspects. 1. Asymptotic analysis of the relationship between the number of spectra and errors in spectral methods. 2. Analysis of the stability of spectral algorithm by time discretization.