Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/4552601552?pwd=cWxBUjlIN3dxclgrZWFEOC9jcmlwUT09 AbstractIn 1990 Tian-Yau proved that if Y is a Fano manifold and D is a smooth anti-canonical divisor, the complement X=Y\D admits a complete Calabi-Yau metric. A long standing problem has been to understand the existence of Calabi-Yau metrics when D is singular. I will discuss the resolution of this problem when D=D_1...
Line bundles on moduli spaces/stacks of G-bundles were studied intensively in 90’s by many mathematicians including Beauville, Laszlo, Sorger, Faltings, Kumar, Narasimhan, Teleman, etc. The main problems are the Verlinde formula for the dimension of global sections of these line bundles, and the determination of the Picard groups of the moduli spaces/stack of G-bundles.In this talk, I will dis...