清华主页 EN

Virtual Coulomb branch and quantum K-theory

来源: 09-22

时间:Sep. 23, 9:50-11:30

地点:Zoom Meeting ID: 271 534 5558 Passcode: YMSC

主讲人:Zhou, Zijun (IPMU)


In this talk, I will introduce a virtual variant of the quantized Coulomb branch constructed by Braverman-Finkelberg-Nakajima, where the convolution product is modified by a virtual intersection. The resulting virtual Coulomb branch acts on the moduli space of quasimaps into the holomorphic symplectic quotient T^*N///G. When G is abelian, over the torus fixed points, this representation is a Verma module. The vertex function, a K-theoretic enumerative invariant introduced by A. Okounkov, can be expressed as a Whittaker function of the algebra. The construction also provides a description of the quantum q-difference module. As an application, this gives a proof of the invariance of the quantum q-difference module under variation of GIT.
