清华主页 EN

The plectic conjecture over local fields

来源: 09-22

时间:10:00-11:00 Beijing time, Sep 27, 2022

地点:Zoom ID: 293 812 9202 Passcode: BIMSA Room: BIMSA 1118

主讲人:Siyan Daniel Li-Huerta


The étale cohomology of varieties over Q enjoys a Galois action. For Hilbert modular varieties, Nekovář-Scholl observed that this Galois action on the level of cohomology extends to a much larger profinite group: the plectic group. Motivated by applications to higher-rank Euler systems, they conjectured that this extension holds even on the level of complexes, as well as for more general Shimura varieties.

We present a proof of the analog of this conjecture for local Shimura varieties. Consequently, we obtain results for the basic locus of global Shimura varieties, after restricting to a decomposition group. The proof crucially uses a mixed-characteristic version of fusion due to Fargues–Scholze.

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