清华主页 EN

Algebraic Geometry Seminar Zero-cycles on geometrically rational surfaces

来源: 09-29

时间: Time / 时间 Thur.15:30-16:30 pm,Sept 29, 2022

地点:Zoom ID: 455 260 1552;PW: YMSC

组织者: Organizer / 组织者 Caucher Birkar,曲三太, 陈炳仪

主讲人:Jean-Louis Colliot-Thelene (CNRS et Université Paris-Saclay)


Let k be a field of characteristic zero. In 1974, D. Coray showed that on a smooth cubic surface over k, with a point over a field extension K of k of degree prime to 3, there exists such a point over a field extension K over k of degree 1, 4 or 10 (as of today unsurpassed result). We show how a combination of generisation, specialisation, Bertini theorems and "large" fields avoids lengthy considerations of degeneracy cases in Coray's proof, and leads to more results. For smooth cubic surfaces with a rational point, we then show that any zero-cycle of degree at least 10 is Chow-rationally equivalent to an effective cycle. Using the k-birational classification of geometrically rational k-surfaces (Enriques, Manin, Iskovskikh, Mori), by a case by case discussion, we show how these two results have analogues for arbitrary smooth, projective, geometrically rational surfaces.


Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène (born 2 December 1947), is a French mathematician. He is a Directeur de Recherches at CNRS at the Université Paris-Saclay in Orsay. He studies mainly number theory and arithmetic geometry.


