清华主页 EN

On splitting methods for the Dirac equation in the nonrelativistic limit regime

来源: 09-29

时间:16:00-17:00, 9月29日(星期四), Sep. 29th (Thur.) 2022

地点:近春园西楼三层报告厅, Lecture hall, 3rd floor of Jin Chun Yuan West Building


主讲人:Yongyong Cai (蔡勇勇), School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University(北京师范大学)


We establish error bounds of the Lie-Trotter splitting and Strang splitting for the Dirac equation in the nonrelativistic limit regime in the absence of external magnetic potentials. In this regime, the solution admits high frequency waves in time. Surprisingly, we find out that the splitting methods exhibit super-resolutions, i.e. the methods can capture the solutions accurately even if the time step size is much larger than the sampled wavelength. Lie splitting shows half order uniform convergence w.r.t temporal wave length. Moreover, if the time step size is non-resonant, Lie splitting would yield an improved uniform first order uniform error bound. In addition, we show Strang splitting is uniformly convergent with half order rate for general time step size and uniformly convergent with three half order rate for non-resonant time step size. We also discuss the case with external magnetic potentials, and splitting schemes also show superior performance among the commonly used numerical methods.


