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俄勒冈大学Gary Guth主讲拓扑讨论班

来源: 10-31

时间:Tues., 10:00 am, Nov. 1, 2022

地点: Online / 线上 Zoom meeting ID: 405 416 0815 PW: 111111

组织者: Organizers / 组织者 陈伟彦、高鸿灏、黄意、林剑锋、江怡

主讲人:Gary Guth (University of Oregon)

Stabilizations, Satellites, and Exotic Surfaces


A long standing question in the study of exotic behavior in dimension four is whether exotic behavior is “stable". For example, in thinking about the four-dimensional h-cobordism theorem, Wall proved that simply connected, exotic four-manifolds always become smoothly equivalent after applying a suitable stabilization operation enough times. Similarly, Hosokawa-Kawauchi and Baykur-Sunukjian showed that exotic surfaces become smoothly equivalent after stabilizing the surfaces some number of times. The question remains, how many stabilizations are necessary, and is one always enough? By considering certain satellite operations, we provide a negative answer to this question in the case of exotic surfaces with boundary. (This draws on joint work with Hayden, Kang, and Park).


I am a PhD candidate at the University of Oregon studying low dimensional topology. My advisor is Robert Lipshitz. My research aims to answer questions about knots and surfaces in 3- and 4-manifolds using Floer theoretic techniques.

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