Interfacial instabilities are prevalent in nature and engineering. In this talk, I will discuss the dynamics of a interface in a Hele-Shaw cell under an electric field. The coupling of the hydraulic and electric fields make the dynamics of the interface very complicated. We develop an efficient algorithm to investigate the nonlinear dynamics of the interface. Our nonlinear results reveal that the electric feild plays an important in controlling the interfacial instability. Finally, we construct an efficient controlling scheme for the interface.
赵蒙,华中科技大学数学中心副教授,2011年本科毕业于华东理工大学,2013和2017年在Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago 分别获得应用数学硕士和博士学位。2017至2021年在 University of California, Irvine担任访问助理教授和研究员。2021年加入华中科技大学数学中心。主要研究方向为Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing (Sequential and Parallel), Methods for Interface Problems in Materials and Fluids, Hele-Shaw Flow, Computational Fluid Mechanics and Tumor Growth。