清华主页 EN

Separating systole for random hyperbolic surfaces of Weil-Petersson model

来源: 11-15

时间:Tue. 13:30 - 14:30, 2022-11-15

地点:Jinchunyuan West Building, Conference Room Zoom Meeting ID: 405 416 0815 Passcode: 111111 3 (middle floor)


主讲人:Yuhao XUE, YMSC


In this talk, we will discuss the behavior of the separating systole for random hyperbolic surfaces with respect to the Weil-Petersson measure of the moduli space. We show that its length is approximately 2log(g)-4log(log(g)) and it separates out a one-holed torus for generic surfaces. Some other geometric quantities are also considered. This talk is based on joint works with Xin Nie, Hugo Parlier and Yunhui Wu.
