清华主页 EN

The chromatic Lagrangian

来源: 11-18

时间:10:00-11:00, Nov. 18th (Fri.) 2022

地点:Zoom Meeting ID: 276 366 7254 Password: YMSC

组织者:Will Donovan, Penghui Li, Peng Shan, Changjian Su

主讲人:Gus Schrader, Northwestern University


The chromatic Lagrangian is a Lagrangian subvariety inside a symplectic leaf of the cluster Poisson moduli space of Borel-decorated PGL(2) local systems on a punctured surface. I will describe the cluster quantization of the chromatic Lagrangian, and explain how it canonically determines wavefunctions associated to a certain class of Lagrangian 3-manifolds L in Kahler \mathbb{C}^3, equipped with some additional framing data. These wavefunctions are formal power series, which we conjecture encode the all-genus open Gromov-Witten invariants of L. Based on joint work with Linhui Shen and Eric Zaslow.


Gus Schrader is an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department at Northwestern University. He was previously a Ritt Assistant Professor at Columbia, and before that he received the PhD from UC Berkeley and his advisor was Nicolai Reshetikhin.


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