This talk concerns non-compact GIT quotient of a vector space, in the presence of an abelian group action and an equivariant regular function (potential) on the quotient. We define virtual counts of quasimaps from prestable curves to the critical locus of the potential. The construction borrows ideas from the theory of gauged linear sigma models as well as recent development in shifted symplectic geometry and Donaldson-Thomas theory of Calabi-Yau 4-folds. Examples of virtual counts arising from quivers with potentials are discussed. This is based on work in progress, in collaboration with Yalong Cao.
My research lies at the interface between algebraic geometry and representation theory. More specifically, I've been working on projects concerning derived category of coherent sheaves, oriented cohomology theories of algebraic varieties, and their applications in representation theory. I am also fond of varieties of local systems and instantons, quantum integrable systems, and related aspects in mathematical physics.