Speaker Intro・ PhD in 2008, Humboldt Universität Berlin, Germany ・ Habilitation in 2014, Universität Tübingen, Germany ・ Researcher at Universities of Heidelberg, Hamburg, Hannover, 2014-2022 ・ Professor at Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications from September 2022 on ・ Research interests: minimal surfaces, harmonic maps, Riemann surfaces, Higgs bundles, moduli spaces,...
Abstract:The Mukai’s program seeks to recover a K3 surface X from any curve C on it by exhibiting it as a Fourier-Mukai partner to a Brill--Noether locus of vector bundles on the curve. In this talk, I will give an introduction to work of Feyzbakhsh for Picard number one K3 and primitive curve C. We extend the results to the case of non-primitive curves by introducing the tools of destabilizin...