清华主页 EN

A Le Potier-type isomorphism with multiplier submodule sheaves

来源: 03-04

时间:Mar.4, 2023 14:30 - 15:45


组织者:Akito Futaki

主讲人:刘亚雄 Liu, Yaxiong (YMSC)


We obtain a Le Potier-type isomorphism theorem which relates holomorphic vector bundles with multiplier submodule sheaves associated to strongly Nakano semi-positive singular hermitian metrics to the tautological line bundles with multiplier ideal sheaves. As applications, we obtain a Kollar-type infectivity theorem, a Nadel-type vanishing theorem and a singular holomorphic Morse inequalities for holomorphic vector bundles. This is the joint work with Zhuo Liu, Hui Yang and Xiangyu Zhou.

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