清华主页 EN

Recent developments in the theory of p-adic differential equations

来源: 03-13

时间:16:00-17:00 Beijing time Monday, Mar. 13, 2023

地点:Zoom ID: 4552601552 Passcode: YMSC

组织者:Hansheng Diao, Yueke Hu, Emmanuel Lecouturier, Cezar Lupu

主讲人:Andrea Pulita Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble Alpes


I will report on some recent developments in the theory of p-adic differential equations. The talk will be an invitation to the theory and I'll try to maintain it accessible to a large audience.


Research Interests:

☑ Arithmetic Geometry

☑ p-Adic Cohomologies - Rigid Cohomology - de Rham Cohomology

☑ p-Adic Differential Equations on Berkovich Spaces

☑ p-Adic Analysis - p-adic locally convex vector spaces

☑ p-Adic Deformation and Confluence - q-differences equations

☑ p-Adic Representations - Fontaine's theory

☑ Ramification theory

☑ Irregularity - Arithmetic and Differential Swan Conductors

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