清华主页 EN

Quadrature-based moment methods for kinetic equations: Stability analysis and multidimensional models

来源: 03-16

时间:Thursday, 16:00-17:00 March 16, 2023

地点:Lecture Hall, 3rd Floor Jin Chun Yuan West Building


主讲人:Qian Huang Tsinghua University


Numerical solution of the kinetics equation is crucial to engineering applications, but remains an extremely challenging task. In recent years, the quadrature-based moment methods (QBMM) are shown as effective numerical methods which preserve positivity of the distributions, have the conservation form and are numerically efficient. However, the mathematical theory of QBMM largely incomplete, and it is difficult to extend the existing approaches to tackle multidimensional problems. In this talk, I will present our recent efforts to clarify the well-posedness of QBMM. The hyperbolicity, realizability and dissipative properties of the moment closure systems are investigated. Then, we develop a discrete-velocity-direction model (DVDM) with minimum entropy principle as a novel and convenient multidimensional extension of the QBMM. In the DVDM, the molecular motion is confined to some prescribed directions but the speed is still a continuous variable in each orientation. Numerical tests with a series of 1-D and 2-D flow problems show the efficiency of the DVDM.



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