Birational Geometry WorkshopThis workshop is devoted to an in-depth study of the recent work "Singularities on Fano fibrations and beyond" by Caucher Birkar. This work establishes several fundamental problems in birational geometry. 28 June 11:00-12:00Caucher BirkarIntroduction14:00-15:00Roberto SvaldiToroidal geometry and toroidalisation of fibrations (Online) (sections 3,4)15:30-16:30Chen Jia...
Register Now DescriptionToric varieties are geometric objects defined combinatorially, much like CW complexes in topology. They can be used to study geometrically combinatorial objects like semigroups, cones, polytopes or simplicial complexes. In Algebraic Geometry, toric varieties are a rich source of explicit examples, a good testing ground for gaining intu...