清华主页 EN

Chiral topologically ordered states on a lattice from vertex operator algebra

来源: 04-04

时间:2023-04-04 Tue 09:00-11:00

地点:Venue: 1129B ZOOM:954 2993 2868(PW: 588289)

组织者:Hao Zheng

主讲人:Nikita Sopenko Caltech


I will describe a certain class of short-range correlated pure states of 2d lattice systems naturally associated with a unitary rational vertex operator algebra. I will argue that such states realize the chiral topological order associated with this vertex algebra. The construction provides a natural way to insert anyons and compute certain topological invariants. It also gives candidates for bosonic states in non-trivial invertible phases, including the E_8 phase.
