Speaker 孙鑫,2011年获得北京大学数学学士,2017年获得麻省理工学院数学博士,2020年起任宾夕法尼亚大学数学系助理教授,2023年9月起任北京国际数学研究中心长聘副教授,研究领域为概率论和数学物理,主要方向是随机几何、统计物理、和量子场论。荣获2023年度戴维逊(Rollo Davidson)奖。AbstractSmirnov's proof of Cardy's formula for percolation on the triangular lattice leads to a discrete approximation of confor...
AbstractTTbar is a solvable irrelevant deformation that leads to interesting properties such as nonlocality. When applied to a CFT, the effects of TTbar can be studied via cutoff and glue-on holography. In this talk, we will first introduce the glue-on geometry, which reveals many interesting features of TTbar deformed CFTs that were previously inaccessible through cutoff holography. We then in...