清华主页 EN

Categorical dynamical systems arising from sign-stable mutation loops

来源: 04-25

时间:Tues., 15:00-17:00, Apirl 25, 2023

地点:Zoom ID: 897 9522 8294; PW: 1.17628

组织者:Yu-Wei Fan (YMSC) Hsueh-Yung Lin (Taiwan University, NCTS)

主讲人:Shunsuke Kano (Tohoku University)


A cluster modular group is a symmetry group of the theory of cluster algebras. An element is called a ''mutation loop''. I and T. Ishibashi introduced the notion of sign stability of the mutation loops as a generalization of the pseudo-Anosovness of the mapping classes. In this talk, I will define the autoequivalences of the derived category of the Ginzburg dg algebra of a quiver with potential associated with a sign-stable mutation loop, and show the calculation of their categorical entropies. If time permits, I'll explain the pseudo-Anosovness of these autoequivalences.

About the speaker 

Shunsuke Kano Tohoku University

I am an Assistant Professor of Research Alliance Center for Mathematical Sciences, Tohoku University.

Research Interests: cluster algebras, triangulated categories

