清华主页 EN

Non-concentration for Neumann eigenfunctions in planar domains

来源: 04-28

时间:Fri., 10:00-11:00am, Apr. 28, 2023

地点:Zoom ID: 618-038-6257; PW: SCMS

组织者:Chen Xi(Fudan), Long Jin(Tsinghua)

主讲人:Hans Christianson University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


In this talk, I will discuss several new results on non-concentration of Neumann eigenfunctions in shrinking neighborhoods of planar domains. The main result is a sharp estimate in a neighborhood of a corner point, but I will also discuss some other results in smoother situations. The main tools are a Rellich commutator argument and an induction argument to control boundary error terms. This is joint work with John Toth.

About the speaker 

Hans Christianson University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

I am a Professor at UNC, studying semiclassical analysis and partial differential equations. I am part of the UNC Analysis and PDE research group which is funded in part by NSF RTG grant DMS-2135998 “Partial Differential Equations on Manifolds”.

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