清华主页 EN

Locally stable degenerations of log Calabi-Yau pairs

来源: 06-08

时间:Thur.,15:30-16:30, Jun. 8, 2023

地点:Zoom ID: 455 260 1552; PW: YMSC

组织者:Caucher Birkar,曲三太, 陈炳仪

主讲人:Junpeng Jiao 焦骏鹏 Tsinghua University


We study the birational boundedness of special fibers of log Calabi-Yau fibrations and Fano fibrations. We show that for a locally stable family of Fano varieties or polarised log Calabi-Yau pairs over a curve, if the general fiber satisfies some natural boundedness conditions, then every irreducible component of the special fiber is birationally bounded.

About the speaker 




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