Abstract:In this talk, upon discussing aspects of the string landscape, I will motivate and introduce a program for birationally characterizing the infinite-distance degenerations of compact elliptic Calabi-Yau varieties, described in a Weierstrass form. Then, I will report on our main results for elliptic K3 surfaces, which conform with what is known about Kulikov models. If time permits, a re...
WorkshopThe one-day workshop will discuss several foundational aspects of Grothendieck's Quot schemes, the moduli space of coherent systems, and especially the sheaf stable pairs theory, and explore the interaction between these constructions and Enumerative algebraic geometry and Birational geometry.SpeakersCaucher Birkar ( YMSC & BIMSA )Chandranandan Gangopadhyay ( IISER Pune )Hyeonjun Park (...