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BIMSA-LREIS-VGE Seminar on Geographic Information Science and Earth System Model

来源: 06-15

时间:2023-06-15 Thu 16:00-17:00

地点:Tencent: 573 5366 8013(PW: )

组织者:Yi Liu, Chenliang Wang, Zhaoyuan Yu

主讲人:Yi Liu BIMSA


The IAP, Sugon, Tsinghua University, and the National Satellite Meteorological Center are collaborating to develop the Earth System Science Numerical Simulator Facility (EarthLab). EarthLab is a numerical simulation system for the main Earth systems, including matching software and hardware. It allows exploration of the impact of each system and its interaction with the Earth system as a whole, as well as the regional environment in China. EarthLab integrates simulations and observation data to improve forecasting accuracy, enhances prediction and projection skills for climate change and air pollution, provides a numerical simulation platform to elevate Earth system research in China internationally, and supports China's disaster prevention and mitigation, climate change, and atmospheric environment governance efforts. This report will discuss how to use EarthLab and previous applications of the BEIJING SUPER CLOUD Computing Center (BSCC) for quantum software simulation and Land model-DGVM/GGCM.

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