清华主页 EN

Moduli spaces of modules over even Clifford algebra and Prym varieties

来源: 06-14

时间:Wed.,15:30-16:30, June 14, 2023

地点:Conference Room 3 Jinchunyuan West Building

组织者:Xiang He, Chenglong Yu Dingxin Zhang, Jie Zhou

主讲人:Jia Choon Lee 李家俊 BICMR


A conic fibration has an associated sheaf of even Clifford algebra on the base. In this talk, I will discuss the relation between the moduli spaces of modules over the sheaf of even Clifford algebra and the Prym variety associated to the conic fibration. I will begin by motivating the connection between them from the viewpoint of the rationality problem of cubic hypersurfaces. Then I will explain the construction of a rational map from the moduli space of modules over the sheaf of even Clifford algebra to the special subvarieties in Prym varieties. As an application, we get an explicit correspondence between instanton bundles of minimal charge on cubic threefolds and twisted Higgs bundles on curves.

About the speaker 

ia Choon Lee BICMR

My name is Jia Choon Lee, I am currently a postdoc at BICMR of Peking University. I obtained my PhD in mathematics from University of Pennsylvania in 2021 under the supervision of Ron Donagi and Tony Pantev.

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Algebraic geometry: moduli spaces, Higgs bundles, modules over even Clifford algebra, integrable systems, cubic hypersurfaces.
