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YMSC Topology Seminar | String topology, cyclic homology, and the Fukaya A-infinity algebra

来源: 06-28

时间:Wed., 13:30-14:30, June 28. 2023

地点:Online Zoom ID: 405 416 0815; PW: 111111 ;Venue Jinchunyuan West Building Conference Room 3 (middle floor)

组织者:陈伟彦、高鸿灏、黄意、江怡 、林剑锋

主讲人:Yi WANG Stony Brook University


This talk is devoted to giving a formulation of Lagrangian Floer theory in terms of chain level string topology, which realizes a proposal of K. Fukaya. First, I will describe a new chain model of the (based and free) loop space of a path-connected topological space X, which can be viewed as a generalization of classical theorems of J. F. Adams and K-T Chen. Then I will combine this model with a Jones' type theorem on cyclic homology and S^1 equivariant homology, as well as K. Irie's work on string topology, to describe chain level string topology operations in the S^1-equivariant setting, in particular, chain level string bracket (cyclic loop bracket). Finally, I will use this chain model to lift the Fukaya A-infinity algebra of a Lagrangian submanifold L to a Maurer-Cartan element in the dg Lie algebra of cyclic invariant chains on the free loop space of L, and discuss possible applications in symplectic topology.
