Knot theory is one of the core research areas in mathematics with a wide range of applications in various subjects of sciences, such as biology, chemistry, statistical physics and quantum computing. This mini-workshop will consist of three lectures with the structure given as follows.
The workshop will start with two lectures given by Professor Akio Kawauchi with one talk to give an overview of knot theory in mathematics, and another to give an overview of the applications of knot theory. Then there will be a follow-up talk given by Professor Liang Chang(常亮), who will give a brief introduction to topological quantum computation and show how the theory of knots and braids can be applied to implement this quantum computation scheme, which has the potential of supporting robust universal quantum computer.
Akio Kawauchi (Osaka City University)
Overview of knot theory
Akio Kawauchi (Osaka City University)
Overview of the applications of knot thoery
Liang Chang (Nankai University)
Braids, knots and topological quantum computation