清华主页 EN

Construction of maximal unramified p-extensions for given Galois groups

来源: 08-21

时间:August 21(Monday) 10:00-11:00 am

地点:Jingzhai, 105, Tsinghua

主讲人:Prof. Christian Maire Institut FEMTO-ST


About a decade ago, Manabu Ozaki (Waseda University) established the following result: given a finite p-group G, there exists a totally imaginary number field K for which the Galois group of its p-Hilbert tower is isomorphic to G. In collaboration with Farshid Hajir (UMASS) and Ravi Ramakrishna (Cornell University), we have revisited and streamlined Ozaki's proof, which allowed us to relax the condition on the signature of K and to control the degree and ramification of K/Q. In this lecture, I will provide the key elements of our proof.

About Christian Maire

“Mes domaines d'expertises sont la théorie des nombres, l'arithmétique, l'algèbre sur les corps de nombres, les pro-p extensions, etc.”

