清华主页 EN

Masur's criterion does not hold in the Thurston metric 图片

来源: 10-10

时间:2023-10-10, TUESDAY 16:00-17:00

地点:Shuangqing Complex, C654 ; Zoom meeting ID: 405 416 0815 Pw: 111111

组织者:陈伟彦,高鸿灏,黄意,江怡 ,林剑锋



Masur proved that if a Teichmüller geodesic is recurrent in the moduli space then it has a uniquely ergodic vertical foliation. This is a basic result in Teichmüller dynamics. However, it was shown that an analogue of Masur's criterion is not true in the Weil-Petersson metric (Brock-Modami) and in the Thurston metric (T.).

In the talk, I will explain why it fails in the Thurston metric. Along the way we will discuss how to combinatorially construct minimal geodesic laminations on the surface that are not uniquely ergodic.

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