清华主页 EN

A rigidity theorem of families of Calabi-Yau n-folds

来源: 10-12

时间:15:30-17:00, Oct. 12

地点:YMSC-静斋 (Jingzhai) -304

组织者:Mao Sheng, Nanjun Yang

主讲人:左康 (Kang Zuo),武汉大学


Introducing special subvarieties in a moduli space of Calabi-Yau n-folds arising from non-rigid families, we discuss the finiteness, smoothness and uniformizations (n=3) of those subvarieties, and we formulate the precise statement for Shafarevich program for families of Calabi-Yau n-folds. This is a project started in joint paper with Viehweg and carried out in a recent joint work in progress with Ruiran Sun and Chenlong Yu.
