清华主页 EN

Smooth complex projective varieties with infinitely many real forms

来源: 10-19

时间:Oct.19 15:00-16:00

地点:YMSC-Jingzhai-304 ZOOM: 361 038 6975(PW: BIMSA)

组织者:Mao Sheng, Nanjun Yang

主讲人:余讯 (天津大学)


The real form problem asks how many different ways one can describe a given complex variety by polynomial equations with real coefficients, up to isomorphisms over the real number field. In this talk, I will discuss some recent results about smooth complex projective varieties with infinitely many real forms. This talk is based on joint works with T.-C. Dinh, C. Gachet, H.-Y. Lin, K. Oguiso, and L. Wang.
